Every single choice/decision I make in my life is always in alignment with my core values and principles. (Freedom, Health, Authenticity, Adventure, Love/Kindness, Personal Growth, Happiness, Helping others, Efficiency/Minimalism, Competence).

Intentional living

I value my health over EVERYTHING and have a huge respect for my body, what it is capable of and what it has already done for me.  I take care of it in every way I know and for the last 15 years have been researching, experimenting with, and understanding more, the limitless potential of the human body and mind and upgrading my own personal physical, mental and emotional capacity.

I have lived my whole life very intentionally, in a way that my personal decisions have created better sustainable health for me and my family so we are not, and never will be, dependent on pharmaceuticals or reliant on the health (sick) care system.

That is not to say some pharmaceuticals, medical advancements and procedures don’t have their place. I’m the first to give a big shout out to epidurals, but the vast majority of pharmaceutical drugs are simply there to relieve symptoms and keep people in a perpetual cycle of ‘sickness’ and not to address the underlying causes.

There are some amazing, talented, dedicated professionals within the medical profession who are saving lives every day. They really are working with the best of intentions.  Unfortunately, they are working within a system that has evolved to keep people just sick enough to be reliant on their ‘products’.  A system that is operating very much as a business with profit and not ‘health’ as their primary objective.

How we interpret the world

Of course everyone sees the world through their own lens based on their own unique experiences, beliefs and emotions and everyone is doing the best they can in the realm of what they are aware and conscious of. 

I am obviously going to be biased towards listening to and accepting the expert opinion, the research, the lived experience within the realms of ‘natural’ health because it makes more sense to me.

I also have no judgment towards anyone who’s experiences have led them to understand things in a way that are completely at odds with my perceptions and will always have time, space and respect for anyone to make their own informed decisions regarding their health.

My own awareness and view on life means being involved in a pharmaceutical experiment for something that my body’s own immune system already does naturally, when supported with the tools of health I have chosen to use all of my life, is not something I have any wish, or should be expected, to be part of.

I do have all the love and compassion for those that haven’t been supported in the same way and feel as though this is the best option available to them at this time. 

Voluntary consent required

The principle of bodily integrity sums up the right of every human being to autonomy over their own body.  I respect this right and that of any individual to make their own informed choices.  It disappoints, although it doesn’t surprise me, that many others don’t share the same compassion and that their biased perspective and survival instinct of wanting to be right about their decision, prevents them from looking at things differently. 

Unfortunately, the idea that anyone would want to keep their body free from an ‘experimental’ injection, never before given to humans, that doesn’t stop infection from the virus, doesn’t stop transmission of the virus, contains known carcinogens and has been created by the most convicted criminal companies in history who have been repeatedly found guilty of ‘knowingly’ causing death from their products (and that’s when they did have liability), for a virus with a 99.4% survival rate has somehow been presented as an irrational and even selfish one. 

Life as we know it

Where and how this virus originated is ‘unknown’ and largely irrelevant, as it’s here now. What is more important is the warning it has sent, and how, if at all, it has expanded your view of life and your behaviours towards yourself, to others and to our planet. 

At the very early stages it was clearly evident that, although everyone was susceptible to infection, those with underlying health conditions and compromised immune systems were those who succumbed. 

Of the 0.6% of people who have died from this virus, 94% of them had an average of 2.8 comorbidities. In addition, inflammation/toxicity caused by stress, alcohol, smoking, processed food, sugar, lack of vitamin D, lack of sleep, hormone imbalances, over training/under recovery, antibiotics, and many other pharmaceutical drugs weakens the immune system putting those who are exposed to the virus in a compromised state and therefore less likely to make a full recovery.

Of course, if you have a weakened immune system for whatever reason, you are susceptible to all germs/viruses and you may choose to look at external sources to help you in the short term. Whether it be from natural or synthetic means, it’s up to you to make your own choices.

Back to NORMAL?

However, what I do object to are all those who are playing on the emotions of fear, guilt and shame in an attempt to coerce people into having an experimental cocktail of synthetic chemicals injected into their bodies dangling ‘normalcy’ and ‘freedom’ as some sort of reward. This, to me, is as far away from normalcy and freedom as you could possibly get!

I feel saddened for those who feel they have been given no choice, are, or will be regretful of an irreversible choice they initially made as a result of misinformation, or those who have done this for reasons other than that to which this was intended.

Ask questions

My purpose in life is to inspire people to maximise their potential and live and love life to the full. I truly want people to thrive, not just survive, and to be able to access their true health internally from a healthy lifestyle.

But where is the push to help support those with less than optimal immune systems or underlying health issues for which this virus is harming and killing? Free beer and donuts anyone? Close the gyms and open the pubs? Really, this is the best you can do?!

When did the trials for these injections end? They haven’t ended, they’ve only just begun. They aren’t scheduled to end until 2023. There is no long term safety data for any of these products. How could there be? But surely, administering this injection to the vast majority of the worlds population in a relatively short space of time could potentially turn out to be the most irresponsible act our planet has ever seen? Is this really the time for ‘let’s just wait and see’ or ‘what’s the worst that can happen’ No, it is not! It’s time for tougher questions to be asked.

Quite simply, we are not getting informed, balanced information and we are being manipulated by those who stand to benefit the most and have NOTHING to lose. 

Science is never settled

Some of the best virologists, vaccinologists, epidemiologists, biochemists and biophysicists and numerous other top medical professionals in the world are being censored for wanting to discuss their concerns about the potential, and now ‘real’ dangers of this situation. Why? That’s not very scientific is it? 

The fact that posting any views opposing rushed pharmaceuticals can cause social media deletion should alert all critically thinking people to do some serious questioning and research before being injected with an unknown.

Funny how we were raised not to be peer pressured into taking experimental drugs, and now we are being peer pressured into taking experimental drugs.

But let’s not let the facts ruin a good story.   

It is highly likely that we are all going to get infected at some point regardless of restrictions that are placed upon us. Slightly different strains are everywhere and mutating every day. For that reason, it’s imperative that you know your health status and are doing everything you can with what is available to you to become the healthiest version of yourself.

The more questions I ask, the more I learn and the more I try to make sense of all of this, the more reasons I have as to why I will not be having this injection and am completely comfortable with the answer to the question ‘So, what is going to happen if I don’t?’


To me, accepting and being ok with whatever happens, is true freedom.

What does freedom mean to you?