‘Great things are done by a series of small things brought together’
Vincent Van Gogh


When I look back over the goals and challenges I have set for myself, it’s interesting to see which ones I have accomplished and which ones I have not.

When I was 39 I wrote a list of 40 thingsI wanted to do before I turned 40.  The list ranged from small things which didn’t take up much time and were easy to tick off to larger, more time consuming, more difficult to organise things. Most of the small challenges were completed first, whereas the larger, more complex things, were delayed or crossed off the list and replaced with those that were more manageable.

Most psychologists will tell you that trying to change something big or complete a large task without a structured plan, is rarely successful. It’s the same with nutrition and training.

Very often we look at self-improvement and decide on a complete overhaul of our diet and exercise programme. These good intentions never last long. Why? Because we try to change too much all at once, and realise very quickly that it can’t be sustained.
So, we need to start small; no more extreme dieting and expecting to spend an hour a day in the gym- it’s really not necessary.

Have you ever changed one small thing in your life and over time found that it actually made a big difference? It’s our daily habits that contribute to the biggest changes in our lives.

I want this site to be a place where you will learn some really simple, but very effective ways of making those small changes. Changes that, with a consistent approach, will contribute to a healthier you; a place full of things I have tried and tested that have worked for me and others I have helped.