I’m often asked if I take supplements and if I do, which ones and why. I eat healthily, exercise regularly, sleep well, go in the sun where possible and avoid alcohol and tobacco, so do I really need anything extra? Well, in answer to the question….’Yes, I do take supplements – in many forms’

I’m a real sceptic and with so many products on the market it’s important to me to know exactly what I’m doing…..but at the same time I’m open minded. Sound like an oxymoron? Well it’s not, let me explain. For me to believe in something I have to see the results for myself. I may start off thinking that something is just a gimmick and won’t work, and it is challenging to determine the individual effects of supplements, but I’m also willing to try things just to learn whether they do or do not have a beneficial effect on me.

I have been researching all things health, longevity, nutrition, fitness, wellbeing and performance for over eight years now and have made some amazing discoveries. As a result my lifestyle has evolved to be where it is today. Most of the products and methods I use regularly are aimed at amplifying my already healthy lifestyle to maximise my sleep, performance, metal focus and physical wellbeing and it’s been fun to test all of these things out.

But, where do you start? There are so many pills, powders, lotions and potions that are all claiming to be the ultimate elixir of health. Research studies affirming or denying the usefulness of supplements vary from week to week, and the consensus is still mixed. What is good? What is bad? Which brands should you use? Are they worth the money? Are they dangerous? When do I take them? How many do I take? Will they interfere with other medications I am taking? So many questions to answer. Things can get really complicated.

Scientific reasons why you need supplements

Modern lifestyles don’t always create optimal conditions for physical wellness. Poor diet, lack of exercise, stress from never ending deadlines and working hours, and a mass of environmental toxins can leave the body unbalanced and with diminished energy levels. This post industrial, polluted, toxin laden lifestyle demands more nutrients than our food can now provide. Even exercise can be a stressor that increases our need for nutrients. In addition, the ability of our bodies to absorb nutrients decreases as we age.

What else?
  • iPhone’s, blue light from screens and WiFi are interfering with our sleep and circadian rhythms.
  • Toxins from plastics, drinking water, chemicals in cleaning products and pesticides in our food further increase our bodies needs for vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • More nutrients are needed to transport toxins through our natural detox pathway and prevent the formation of DNA damaging free radicals.
  • Modern farming techniques such as the use of fertiliser means depleted levels of nutrients in the soil and therefore our food.
  • Abundance of refined carbohydrates and processed foods create significant blood sugar swings which can lead to chronic inflammation and may be responsible for up to 80% of modern diseases such as Alzheimers, obesity, depression and cancer.
  • Meat, eggs and dairy from supermarkets have fewer Omega 3’s than those from grass fed animals. Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio becomes imbalanced which creates many health issues linked to inflammation.
  • Modern harvesting, shipping, processing, storage, packaging all degrade the nutritional value of food.
  • Even the way we are cooking it depletes many valuable nutrients.

Are you still convinced supplementing your lifestyle is not necessary?

Which supplements do I take and what do they do?

Health is an essential part of life to invest in and I like to take an active role in optimising mine, hence the need for the supplements I take. I choose them based on my own specific goals and lifestyle and to combat the effects of the reasons mentioned above. It is essential to individualise your supplementation – just because your friend takes a particular type or you have read about something that has worked for someone else, doesn’t mean it’s suitable or safe for you.

My supplement ‘stack’

These are the supplements I take every day. Some are individual and some comprise of a number of these components. They come in a mixture of capsules and powders and are taken at specific times of day to maximise their effects. Click on each one for more information.

Calcium D Glucarate

Alpha-lipoic Acid

Green Tea


Vit D


Omega 3 Krill Oil or Fish Oil



Essential oils (variety) – which I will cover in another blog

Remember supplements are meant to ‘supplement’ a healthy lifestyle and not ‘replace’ it.  It’s also important to do your research and choose brands that contain nutrients in a form that are easier for your body to absorb and not those selling poor quality products that could be doing more harm than good.

The supplements I have mentioned here are those I personally take and this blog is for information purposes only.  If after you have done your own research you are still unsure about any supplements or any potential side effects, you should consult with your doctor before taking them.